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Physical Therapy


Physical Therapy in the School setting: 

School based PT services are based on the educational model versus a medical model with emphasis on the acquisition of skills and adaptations needed in order for a student to benefit from the educational program. PT is a related service provided with an annual written prescription from a physician and the recommendations of the IEP team. After a physical therapy evaluation is completed, goals are established based on need. In our MoCI (moderately cognitively impaired) program, Physical Therapy services are often provided during physical education services or movement related classes to assist the students to participate fully in gross motor activities. Students are assisted with functional gross motor skills, including safety with ambulation and negotiating steps as relevant to their educational setting. Postural/movement control leads to improved learning abilities. PT consults with the other members in the team to provide what the student needs to be successful in the school setting. Parent involvement at home is a big part of the success of our students as they learn to spread their wings and get opportunities to practice their gross motor skills in various settings.

Mrs. Joseph obtained her master’s degree from Oakland University in 1994. She has worked at Livonia's MOCI program since 2001. She services students in the MOCI program at Jackson Preschool, Webster Elementary, Emerson Middle School, Franklin High School and at the Garfield Skills Center. Mrs. Joseph is married with 3 children, a daughter and two boys. She and her family love to travel around the country and the world to see new places and experience new cultures and traditions.